Screen Time for Kids: How to Set Limits and Encourage Healthy Activities


In today’s digital age, it’s not uncommon for children to spend a significant amount of time in front of screens. Whether it’s watching TV, playing video games, or using smartphones and tablets, screen time has become an integral part of many kids’ lives. However, as parents, it’s important to strike a balance and ensure that our children are not spending too much time in front of screens.

How much screen time is too much?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged 2 to 5 should have no more than one hour of screen time per day, while children aged 6 and older should have consistent limits on the time they spend in front of screens. It’s important to note that not all screen time is created equal. Passive screen time, such as watching TV shows or movies, should be limited, while interactive screen time, such as educational apps or video calls with family and friends, can have some benefits.

Setting limits

Here are some strategies to help you limit your child’s screen time:

  • Establish clear rules: Set specific guidelines for when and how much screen time is allowed. For example, you could limit screen time to certain hours of the day or set a time limit for each session.
  • Lead by example: Children are more likely to follow rules if they see their parents practicing them. Make sure you also limit your own screen time and engage in other activities.
  • Encourage alternative activities: Provide your child with a variety of activities to choose from, such as reading, playing outdoors, or engaging in arts and crafts. Encourage them to explore their interests and develop new hobbies.

Healthy screen time activities

While it’s important to limit screen time, there are also some healthy screen time activities that can benefit your child:

  • Educational apps and websites: There are numerous educational apps and websites available that can help your child learn and develop new skills. Look for apps and websites that are age-appropriate and offer interactive learning experiences.
  • Physical activity videos: Many online platforms offer exercise videos specifically designed for kids. These videos can help your child stay active and engaged while having fun.
  • Creative apps: There are various apps that allow children to explore their creativity through drawing, painting, and music. These apps can help enhance their artistic skills and imagination.


Screen time can be a valuable tool for children, but it’s important to set limits and encourage healthy activities. By establishing clear rules, leading by example, and providing alternative activities, you can help your child develop a balanced approach to screen time. Remember to prioritize quality over quantity and choose screen time activities that are educational and engaging.

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